Green Deviled Eggs Recipe

Today is National Quilting Day AND St. Patrick’s day. So that means I should be making some green quilts, right? Well, I did make something green today, but it wasn’t sewing. I made my favorite little finger food for a church social activity tonight.

Deviled Eggs are my specialty – the thing I bring to any potluck because they are easy to make and cheap! They are sort of old-school, but  hardly any one makes them and everyone loves them! Our theme for the evening is green food, so I just added a little food coloring.

St. Patrick's Deviled Eggs

Here’s the recipe, more or less: 1 dozen boiled eggs, dash of paprika, squirt of mustard, glop of sweet relish, a few table spoons of mayo, and food coloring (optional). I’m not exact, but everything is to taste – just keep it on the dry side; too wet & it’s more like egg salad filling.

First, boil the eggs but peel off the shells before you dye them.  A few drops of green food coloring added to boiling water with a teaspoon of vinegar does the trick.

Green Eggs

Green Eggs - Hold the Ham!

Next, cut each egg in half, scoop out the yolks and mash up with the rest of the filling stuff. For extra greenness, add a few drops of green to the filling. Looks like pistachio ice cream! You could even cut the eggs in 1/2 before you dye them so the entire egg-white turns green.

Deviled Egg FillingGreen Filling

For travel, I like to put my eggs in a dish with little ovals that hold each one separately. It doesn’t have a lid, so I just put toothpicks on a few random eggs and cover with plastic. Yummy!

Ready for the Appetizers!

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